Anti Slip Heavy Duty Tape
Anti Slip Heavy Duty Tape
Butyl Adhesive Tapes for Corrugated Roof Sealing
Butyl Adhesive Tapes for Corrugated Roof Sealing
Gaffer Tape k969 Super Matt
Gaffer Tape k969 Super Matt
Super Matt Gaffer Tape and Specialist Masking Tapes
Super Matt Gaffer Tape and Specialist Masking Tapes
Tenacious Tapes - Flashing Tapes
Tenacious Tapes - Flashing Tapes
Hazard Tape - Anti Slip
Hazard Tape - Anti Slip
Comprehensive Adhesive Tapes Range
Comprehensive Adhesive Tapes Range
Tenacious Tapes - Adhesive Tapes Specialists
Tenacious Tapes - Adhesive Tapes Specialists
Tenacious Tapes - A variety of tapes for every purpose
Tenacious Tapes - A variety of tapes for every purpose
Surface Preparation Products
Surface Preparation Products
Gaffer Semi Matt Tape by Tenacious Tapes
Gaffer Semi Matt Tape by Tenacious Tapes
Orafol Specialist Tapes
Orafol Specialist Tapes
Double Sided Tapes Specialists
Double Sided Tapes Specialists
Tenacious Tape Range -> Reinforced Foils

Reinforced Foils

Used primarily for HEVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) for the sealing, joining and insulating purposes. In conjunction with glass cloth for use in high temperature insulation, plasma spray masking and zinc galvanising applications.


Reinforced Aluminium Foil

C525 - Reinforced Aluminium FoilThermal Insulation Aluminium Foil Mesh. To AS1530 Pt3. High Tack. Thermal Insulation. Electrical, Construction & Thermal Insulation


Aluminium Fibreglass

CT955 - Aluminium FibreglassAluminium Fibreglass Laminate Mil-T-83284. Plasma Spray & Galvanising Mask/Electrical. Protection & Masking, Electrical, Construction & Thermal Insulation


PET Aluminium Butyl

K9830 - PET Aluminium ButylPET/Aluminium/Butyl Repair. Hose, Roof & Gutter Repair Black Adhesive. SS Joining, Sealing & Repair, Construction & Thermal Insulation